Have you ever found yourself squinting at your CCTV footage, trying to figure out what’s going on through the flickers and flares? You’re not alone. Even something as mundane as a stray beam of sunlight can send our trusty cameras into a state of confusion. In this piece, I’ll guide you through the usual culprits behind these visual hiccups and share some practical advice to smooth things over. Stay with me—clear, uninterrupted surveillance is within reach!

Understanding CCTV Camera Flickering

When your CCTV camera flickers, it can be caused by various factors such as power issues, video interference, and bad cables or connections. Understanding these causes is important to troubleshoot and address the problem effectively.

Causes of Flickering

Flickering can be caused by many things:

  • Bright Lights: Bright lights shining on your camera can often make it flicker because the camera struggles to handle the sudden change in light.
  • Power Problems: A bad power supply means insufficient electricity gets to the camera, leading to flickering in the video feed.
  • Bad Weather: Heavy rain or strong winds can sometimes interfere with the picture.
  • Cables and Connections: Loose wires or old cables can cause trouble with your camera’s imagery.

Risks of Flickering

Flickering in CCTV cameras can pose various risks, impacting the overall security of your property. Firstly, it can lead to image distortion and loss of video, potentially compromising surveillance footage when needed most. This can hinder the effectiveness of your security system, creating blind spots that intruders or trespassers could exploit. Moreover, flickering may indicate underlying power issues or equipment failure, which, if not addressed promptly, could result in complete camera malfunction and leave your property vulnerable to security threats.

Power Issues

Unstable power supply and insufficient power sources can cause flickering in CCTV cameras, leading to image disruptions and potential surveillance gaps. It’s important to address these power issues to ensure the consistent performance of your security system.

Unstable Power Supply

An unstable power supply can cause flickering in CCTV cameras. When the power supply is inconsistent, it affects the camera’s ability to produce a clear and stable image. This can happen when there are fluctuations in voltage or frequent power outages. The 12-volt transformer failure commonly causes such issues, requiring a functioning transformer for steady camera operation. To prevent this problem, ensuring a stable and sufficient power source for your CCTV cameras is crucial as it helps to maintain uninterrupted surveillance footage.

Insufficient Power Source

An insufficient power source can cause flickering in CCTV cameras. A 12-volt transformer failure is often the reason for this issue. Security cameras need a functioning transformer to avoid flickering, as they commonly use 12 volts of power to provide video. It’s important to ensure your camera has a stable and sufficient power supply to prevent flickering and ensure clear surveillance footage.

Video Interference

Nearby light sources and weather conditions can cause flickering in CCTV cameras, disrupting the surveillance feed. Understanding these factors is crucial to troubleshooting and preventing image distortion.

Nearby Light Sources

Light sources near the CCTV camera can cause flickering in the surveillance footage. When bright light shines directly onto the camera, it may lead to image flickering as the camera struggles to adjust. Repositioning the camera to avoid direct light can help prevent this issue. Additionally, using curtains or shades to block out external light sources during nighttime recording can reduce flickering caused by nearby light.

Weather Conditions

Bad weather like heavy rain, strong winds, or lightning can cause flickering in CCTV cameras. When exposed to harsh weather conditions, the camera may struggle to maintain a clear image due to interference and damage. Night vision cameras are also susceptible to flickering during bad weather, as rain or fog may affect the infrared lights. To prevent this issue, consider installing protective housing for your CCTV cameras to shield them from adverse weather.

Bad Cables or Connections

Bad cables or connections can cause flickering in your CCTV camera feed. Loose connections and old or damaged cables can lead to image disruptions and video interference.

Loose Connections

Loose connections can cause your CCTV camera to flicker. When the cables connecting the camera become loose, it interrupts the power supply and data transmission, leading to image disruptions. It’s essential to regularly check and secure all cable connections to prevent flickering issues with your surveillance system. Moreover, if you notice any old or damaged cables, replacing them promptly can also help resolve the problem.

Old or Damaged Cables

Sometimes, the flickering of CCTV cameras can be caused by old or damaged cables. Over time, the cables that connect your camera to the power source and recording equipment may wear out or get damaged, leading to electrical issues that can result in flickering. Damaged cables can disrupt the flow of power and data between your camera and other components, causing inconsistencies in the surveillance feed.

Troubleshooting Flickering Cameras

When dealing with flickering CCTV cameras, it’s essential to go through a troubleshooting process. This might involve checking the camera settings, updating firmware, and replacing faulty components to ensure clear and stable surveillance footage.

Checking Camera Settings

To solve camera flickering issues, start by checking the camera settings. Look for a “flicker-free” setting that can help break the synchronization of exposures. Adjusting the camera settings may also help resolve frequency synchronization problems causing flickering. Use a light source with a different frequency if needed, as this might eliminate the flickering in your CCTV camera.

Updating Firmware

Updating the firmware of your CCTV camera is essential in troubleshooting flickering issues. Firmware updates can include fixes for known bugs, performance improvements, and camera feature enhancements. Keeping your camera’s firmware up to date ensures it works smoothly and effectively. Regularly checking for firmware updates is a simple yet crucial step in maintaining the optimal functionality of your CCTV camera.

Replacing Faulty Components

If your CCTV camera is still flickering after checking for power issues and video interference, replacing faulty components, such as the camera or cables, may be necessary. Inspect the camera for any physical damage or signs of wear, and consider replacing it if necessary. Similarly, check the cables and connections for any wear, tear, or looseness. If you find any damaged components, consider replacing them with new ones to ensure a clear surveillance feed.


Understanding the causes and troubleshooting steps for CCTV camera flickering can help ensure your surveillance system remains effective and reliable. Addressing power issues, video interference, and faulty components can significantly improve the performance of your cameras. If persistent flickering continues, consider upgrading to a newer, more reliable camera model from a reputable brand.